sâmbătă, 13 august 2011

Number one reason to stop smoking!

The black is lung cancer and the other is a healthy lung!

Remember! millions of people die a year from lung cancer and even if you don't care what you die from everyone around you (including your children) will take in the same stuff that turns lungs black like this. They will actually take in more because while you are taking your cigarette with a filter- they are taking in everything including what that filter is meant to clean out. Just because you are outside or have the windows down in your car DOESN'T mean that no one else is taking the same smoke.

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Daca lumea ar fi constienta de darurile lasate de Dumnezeu,nu si-ar mai bate joc de ele...

Mihai spunea...

Am totusi o nelamurire, de unde au luat plamanul sanatos ?

Probabil de la o persoana care murise din alte cauze. Deci poate ca morala ar fi: la ce bun sa nu ai cancer daca da masina peste tine ? :-)

Mihai spunea...

Am totusi o nelamurire, de la cine au luat plamanul sanatos ?

Probabil de la o persoana care murise din alta cauza. Deci morala ar putea fi: degeaba nu ai cancer la plamani, daca da masina peste tine :-)

Ramona spunea...

Şi marmota învelea ciocolata! :)