Hiperreligiozitatea, fanatismul, fundamentalismul şi literalismul: toate sunt tulburări obsesiv-compulsive (TOC) şi psihoze. Nici unul dintre aceștia nu are nimic de-a face cu credinţa, cu moralitatea, cu dreptatea sau cu preamărirea lui Dumnezeu.
Hyperreligiousity, fanaticism, fundamentalism and literalism: they are all obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and psychoses. Not one of them has anything to do with faith, with morality, with righteousness or with worship of God.
Vladika Lazar Puhalo
Hyperreligiousity, fanaticism, fundamentalism and literalism: they are all obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and psychoses. Not one of them has anything to do with faith, with morality, with righteousness or with worship of God.
Vladika Lazar Puhalo
2 comentarii:
Greu cuvant, dar e bine ca cineva l-a zis!
Da, e bine.
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